Our New Website – A Labor of Love

It’s always exciting to complete a project, especially when I believe it is going to be a great resource for those people seeking information about Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).  We recently launched our new NPS website,  a joint effort of talented people who are passionate about bringing help and hope to those struggling with ADD.

Whether you are an adult in the workplace, a student in college or a parent who needs helpful resources, we trust that this new site will help broaden your understanding that ADD is about more than not being able to focus enough to complete a task, or a kid who can’t sit still.

The NPS website is the compilation of over 2 decades as a psychologist and parent of an adult child with ADD, of going to seminars, conferences, and reading countless research articles and books. And it comes from hours upon hours of being in the trenches with people and families who are impacted by ADD.

I strive for an accurate diagnosis for those who struggle with executive functioning and self regulation issues. I also try to be the best Sherlock Holmes when there are other accompanying complicating issues such as sensory integration issues, bipolar, auditory/visual processing issues, hyper-focusing, anxiety or depression.  I have said for a long time that ADD does not travel alone.  So often there are other issues of marital distress, oppositional and conduct disorders, alcohol/drug use, financial distress or employment issues.  The waters can get very murky in an attempt to tease apart what is what.  But, thanks to dedicated researchers and clinicians in the field, differential diagnosis with ADD has become easier to diagnose and thus successfully treat.

Our site also speaks of the absolute vitality of having an ADD coach in the process after diagnosis, and introducing a medication or non medication approach.  It is such a set up for failure for a person to only use medication, but have no tools or strategies.  These can be introduced by a good ADD coach.

We are very proud of what our site looks like now, but we plan to continue supplementing it with even more rich information and resources for you, so come back often to check us out!

Click here to go to our website!

Author:  Douglas Neal, Psy.D